Writing SJ Stone Writing SJ Stone

The Serial Novel

At least half of what I write now is considered “serial novel”. I have literally a half dozen in the works, either actively being written and published or being written to be published later or simply just a concept with some of the basics already worked out. I find it to be a fun way to tell a story, and I didn’t realize that serialized novels were such a thing now.

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Author, Writing, Blogging SJ Stone Author, Writing, Blogging SJ Stone

If you want more of something, reblog it

Do not underestimate what your reblogs and words mean, just because you’re not ‘big’ or whatever. Reblogs are the key to creating and maintaining a community of like-minded people, supporters and supportive folks who share interests, encourage each other’s creativity, and engender a feeling of community and togetherness. Reblogs matter.

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