Writing (& Editing) Doesn't Have to Suck
The slog is real, and I totally understand when writers struggle, when you see writers talking about struggling to get 300 words on paper, when writers lament about the editing process, the marketing process, the querying process. This is the slog. The pure joy of writing, like any relationship, doesn’t persist 24/7/365. You have to do the work. You have to want it. You have to put in the time. You have to love it, even when you hate it. Like any good relationship, sometimes writing loves you, and sometime it hates you. And it’s okay.
What’s at the end of this Yellow Brick Road?
Dorothy: Locked & Loaded was told by five different authors from 2010 to 2012 delivering 138 episodes over two years!
ChatGPT Playtime
Anyway, I still have to write the novel. I won’t let ChatGPT do that. But at least if I need an idea generator, then here’s something I can use.
What I’m Writing and Why I Can’t Write Just One Thing At A Time
Okay, it’s really not going to destroy me. Honestly I can’t do just one thing. I just can’t. Call it ADHD, or in my childhood we called it being “hyper”, but I can’t just do one thing. There are too many stories calling my name in my head, and well, what’s a guy to do? Gotta just tell them all. Fuck it.
The Serial Novel
At least half of what I write now is considered “serial novel”. I have literally a half dozen in the works, either actively being written and published or being written to be published later or simply just a concept with some of the basics already worked out. I find it to be a fun way to tell a story, and I didn’t realize that serialized novels were such a thing now.
If you want more of something, reblog it
Do not underestimate what your reblogs and words mean, just because you’re not ‘big’ or whatever. Reblogs are the key to creating and maintaining a community of like-minded people, supporters and supportive folks who share interests, encourage each other’s creativity, and engender a feeling of community and togetherness. Reblogs matter.